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Ugh! Cottage cheese skin! Do you hate the dimpling on the back of your legs and thighs? Is the unappealing sight of cellulite getting you down? Do you have bands of cellulite on your skin that won’t respond to diet or exercise? Do you wish you could be released from the problem of cellulite? Do you dream of wearing certain clothes again, such as white pants or tight-fitting yoga pants, or your favorite bikini? Cellulite is a condition which makes the skin on the rear end and the backs of the thighs appear bumpy and dimpled, affecting more than 85 percent of adult women, women just like you.

These fibrous bands of connective tissue that pull on the skin from the fat below plague many women, often regardless of age or physical fitness, although heavier women are more prone to problems due to their skin puckering up from bands of cellulite. For those women with the all-too-common lumps and bumps of cellulite, wearing a bathing suit or shorts in public can easily make you feel self-conscious or embarrassed, and as a result, your quality of life is sadly diminished.

But there is hope, and now you can turn to the experts at Carp Cosmetic Surgery Center for a life changing treatment called Cellfina™. Cellfina™, a new cosmetic procedure first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2014, makes it easier than ever to fix the problem of cellulite.

Cellfina™ is a minimally invasive procedure that is approved for treating dimpled cellulite found on the rear end, the back of your thighs and the outer thighs. Cellfina™ targets the architecture of cellulite itself, clearing the area for a smooth, silky appearance.

This minimally invasive treatment is approved for treating dimpled cellulite, and the procedure is safe because it’s designed to tackle cellulite’s underlying causes to produce a real improvement in the appearance of dimpled skin.

The hour-long Cellfina™ procedure, which is simple and straightforward, begins with having your dimples marked by Dr. Carp, and then a device is used to inject an anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Then, the same device is used to attach a suction cup to your dimpled skin in order to stabilize it, and Dr. Carp then inserts a tiny needle into your skin to cut the fibrous bands of connective tissue. After you’re done, you’ll be advised to wear Spanx or a similar compression garment every day for a week following the procedure, and best of all, there is no downtime or recovery.

Dr. Carp advises patients to give the treated area about two to three months before expecting to see improvements from the procedure, but many women have told him that they can see a difference in their skin within a week, provided they don’t have much swelling or bruising post-treatment.

A clinical study of the first 55 women to undergo the Cellfina™ procedure showed that 99 percent of them had improvements in the appearance of their cellulite and produced a 94 percent satisfaction rate one year after the treatment. Would you like to see satisfying improvements in your cellulite? Contact us now to see what Cellfina™ from Carp Cosmetic can do for you!