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Unfortunately, diet and exercise alone are often not enough to get rid of excess skin or fat located under the chin. And, no one likes to look in their front-facing camera phone to be surprised by a double chin. While excess skin and fat around the neck are often attributed to being overweight, it can happen as a result of aging and family history as well. For those who are at a healthy weight, there is an effective and quick way to reduce the appearance of the double chin known as Kybella® dermal fillers.

 What are Kybella® Dermal Fillers?

Kybella® is an injectable treatment which contains an ingredient called deoxycholic acid. This ingredient is actually a naturally forming chemical within the human body which is utilized in digestion to break down fat cells. And, it works as an injection in the same way. When Kybella® is injected into the affected area, fat cells around the neck are targeted and eliminated. This leaves a slimmer, younger-looking neck.

Why Consider Kybella® as a Method to Double Chin Removal

Sure, you could consider a neck lift as a means to eliminate the excess fat and skin around your neck. But, Kybella® is a non-invasive treatment which includes injections rather than intrusive surgery. This means minimal to practically no recovery time. And, minimal to no pain. Plus, most importantly, Kybella® treatments offer little to no risk besides the occasional side effect like swelling.

 Book Your Kybella® Dermal Filler Treatment Consultation

If you’re in the Akron, Cleveland, Canton, or Green, Ohio areas, our practice is available for Kybella® dermal filler consultations. During this consultation, you can meet with Dr. Carp, our experienced plastic surgeon, about your Kybella® treatments. If you’re ready to see how Kybella® can help to rid your life of excess skin and fat on the chin, contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Carp.