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Xeomin® in Akron, OH

Are frown lines getting in the way of your appearance? Dr. Carp at Carp Cosmetic Surgery Center is available to help you! Located in Akron, Ohio, Dr. Carp provides consultations and treatment for those seeking to diminish lines and wrinkles on their face.

What is Xeomin®?

Xeomin® is an injectable treatment for severe glabellar lines, otherwise known as frown lines. This treatment is administered for temporary relief in the appearance of those lines. This injectable is only intended for intramuscular use to treat adult patients.

What is the Cost of Xeomin®?

Accurate pricing information can be given to the patient in a consultation with Dr. Carp. A consultation is the best way to determine if this is the right procedure and how much of the injectable will need to be given. These factors influence the price of Xeomin®.

What are the Benefits of Xeomin®?

Xeomin® is beneficial to patients and doctors because this treatment is the first injectable that does not need to be refrigerated before application. This means that the distribution of the injectable can be more widespread and will be accessible to more patients. Additionally, Xeomin® has no additives so it is less likely that a patient will develop antibodies to the medication. Results of Xeomin® have been shown to be visible in as little as one week and can last 3 to 6 months after treatment.

How is Xeomin® Administered?

Xeomin® is administered with the aid of a local anesthetic that is applied to the treatment area. Some patients do not find the procedure uncomfortable and choose not to use anesthesia. The injectable is administered into the facial muscles using a small, thin needle. The number of injections that are needed is determined by Dr. Carp. He will recommend how many treatments you need. Xeomin® can be reapplied every 3 to 6 months for your desired look.

Xeomin® in Akron, OH

Who is a Good Candidate?

Adults who suffer from cervical dystonia or blepharospasm are good candidates for Xeomin®. Additionally, adults who have severe or moderate frown lines, also known as glabellar lines, are good candidates for this injectable.

What is the Recovery Time for Xeomin® injections?

It is recommended that patients do not touch or rub their face intensely after the procedure. Using an ice pack or over-the-counter medication is an appropriate way to combat swelling and discomfort.


“This is the Mrs who goes to Dr Carp. Staff is super friendly and appointments to fit your needed. Love the services I receive from Dr Carp. I don’t just trust anyone with face. Very skilled and knowledgeable. Highly recommend.” – Leo C.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Carp, contact Carp Cosmetic Surgery Center in Akron Canton, Ohio. Take the first step towards improving your look and reducing your frown lines.